From the most recent McDonald’s advert song to numerous Coca-Cola classics, adverts at Christmas time are truly unique and generally tend to be memorable. If they aren’t, the world’s television critics will certainly give their feedback on social media.
A huge part of any television advertisement is the music they use alongside the story the brand is conveying, especially at Christmas time. Adverts at Christmas are certainly an iconic part of the holiday festivities, with virtually every country from around the world offering up numerous festive advertisements during the most wonderful time of the year. We’ve had some truly special creations over the years too, with an array of popular and classic songs incorporated into a number of successful Christmas ad campaigns.
Christmas adverts certainly help people get into the Christmas spirit too, allowing us to get ready for what is a highlight of the year for many people. Whether you’re reading a book while in a turkey food coma, tucking into some Christmas chocolate or using your new smartphone, hearing a Christmas advert song playing in the background is what Christmas is all about. People look out for Christmas adverts in the lead up the big day itself, therefore making them an important part of the festivities.
With an array of memorable advert songs from over the years, we thought we’d reminisce and go through some of the best of them.
Lily Allen – Somewhere Only We Know
A successful advert from 2013 by John Lewis, popular music star Lily Allen produced the goods for this one with a cover of Keane’s original track. Hearing Allen on the advert was a surprise to many people, although there’s no disputing she nailed the track. It fits perfectly alongside what is a beautiful story of a bear hibernating before Christmas but being woken by a friendly and welcoming hare.
Gabrielle Aplin – The Power of Love
A popular advert from 2012,’ The Power of Love’ by British singer-songwriter Gabrielle Aplin was a cover of a well known and widely adored song from Frankie Goes to Hollywood. As Mr. Snowman searches for a Christmas gift for his beloved wife, the music is playing throughout. It’s the ideal track and helps go towards what is a truly memorable festive campaign.
Melanie Thornton – Wonderful Dreams
When you think of Coca-Cola adverts at Christmas time, it’s impossible not to have Melanie Thornton’s hit enter your mind with the familiar “Holidays are coming” line that has been so iconic with Coca-Cola adverts over the years. This classic Christmas advert is remembered not only for the song but also the bright red, Coca-Cola lorry that is associated with the brand during the festive period in particular.
Ellie Goulding – Your Song
Ellie Goulding had to tread carefully when covering Elton John and Bernie Taupin’s classic tune and she did so rather well. The 2012 advert for John Lewis helped spread awareness around the store and everything they offer, as well as helping people get in the mood for Christmas also. Not everyone can handle Ellie Goulding’s voice; it must be said. Overall, though, it’s another memorable creation.
Aurora – Half The World Away
Covering a song by one of the biggest bands to have come out of the UK was never going to be easy, but Aurora nailed it in what is a truly memorable Christmas classic. Sadly, the advert didn’t do what it did for John Lewis as it did for Aurora’s music career. Still, it’s another good one.