

All information on this website is for general information purposes only. Although every effort is made to keep the information correct and up-to-date, the owner of this website accepts no responsibility for any inaccuracies, incompleteness or unsuitability of any kind and you use this website at your own risk. For this reason, we cannot guarantee that the information on this website will always be completely accurate at all times.

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Terms of Use:

Sounds-familiar.info is a service for providing music track and artist information for UK television commercials. The website also provides links to YouTube videos from brands’ advertisements and links to related music streaming/download services. Visitors are free to share information from this site such as music, track, TV advert information, YouTube video url’s and any page sharing tools to social media on the condition that the full page address is linked and credited in full. However, no intelligent property or content from this website may be copied, “scraped” or replicated under another identity, including on any other website domain without explicit written consent from the website owner.  We reserve the right to monitor for such activity and employ a copyright infringement service. If such activity is detected, we reserve our legal right to store and provide visitor information including IP address and internet service provider to third parties for legal purposes.